Friday, December 14, 2007

A TECHIES' Christmas Wish list

Keeping things a little lighter on Fridays, it's time to present the completely unofficial and utterly impractical ultimate TECHIE wish list for 2007. These are grown-up toys that would set any TECHIE'S heart beating just a little bit faster ...

1. Laptop -- a Monster or a Mouse? Take your pick

We had a fight in the office, an actual fight over this next pick.

Dell XPS M1730 otherwise known as the World of Warcraft laptop.

With an Intel®CoreTM 2 Extreme Processor (2.80GHz,4M L2 Cache,800MHz FSB), 4GB of Dual Channel 667MHz DDR2 RAM, dual 256MB GeForce video cards, a 17" 1920x1200 display, 400 GB 7200 RPM SATA II hard drives (or 128 GB of solid state hard drives), this monster is not only ridiculously overpowered, it also weighs in at a back-breaking 10.6 pounds. Price tag? $4500.

OR, you could go for the Sony Vaio TZ.

With an 11.1" screen with 1366x768 display, built in Sprint mobile broadband wireless WAN, a 48GB solid state drive and 2GB of RAM, the thing has enough power to run most business applications you'll run across. The real beauty of it, though, is it's size: 2.65lbs. The built in battery will last 4-8 hours. The double capacity battery? 7-13 hours. Starting price? $3400.

I'll have one of each, thanks!

2. Optimus Maximus Keyboard

There isn't a geek around who wouldn't be happy to find one of these under the tree. With a price tag of $1500, it might cause a case of sticker shock at first glance. But with completely customizable mini OLED keys, changeable layouts, a row of macro keys to the side and, let's face it, the all around "WOW" factor, it is worth every penny. OK, OK, that's a hard sell. But this is a wish list, right?

3. A Robot

That's right, a robot. Here's the thing. It's almost 2008. Haven't you always wanted a robot? Well, there's some pretty amazing development going on. If you think a robot would be big and clunky, you should check out the video below. Sure, they're not for sale, yet. But again: WISH LIST.

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